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Glebe Primary School

Positive Mindset Challenge 1: Resilience

  • Reception Challenge: Children to create their own resilient rabbits. Use the template provided or create your own! Can they make up their own oral story about their resilient rabbit?  
  • Year 1 Challenge: Children to create a poster to help pupils who find playtimes tricky. Can they include some phrases they learnt in class this week? 
  • Year 2 Challenge: Children to create a poster to encourage others to keep going when they start to feel overwhelmed. Can they include some phrases they learnt in class this week?
  • Year 3 Challenge: Resilience in nature. Children to present an example of any creature or living thing that show resilience
  • Year 4 Challenge: Children to research a person who has had to overcome repeated failure, or used a mistake or accident to their advantage. For example, a Paralympic athlete, male or female scientist or inventor, favourite character from a book or even someone in their own family. 
  • Year 5 Challenge: Children to produce their own 'self-talk pocket guide' to help them show resilience in a range of challenging situations at home and at school 
  • Year 6 Challenge: Children to complete 'my digital travel plan' or create their own to prepare themselves to be resilient online and to keep themselves and their families safe online.