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Glebe Primary School


Demeter: AKA School Kitchen Task Force!


Dear Parents and Carers,

In early January 2021 the school governing body voted to end our contract with Chartwells (Caterer) who have been providing food for a number of years. These school meals have been prepared off site then heated on arrival and served from a microwave-preparation kitchen. The governing body were concerned about the low take up of dinners by children, the travelling distance of food, the immense daily food wastage and the poor presentation of dinners. Even though Chartwells tried to reassure us of the healthiness of predominantly steamed meals, we still felt we could provide a healthier and more modern and appealing service for the children and staff at the school.

With overwhelmingly positive encouragement from parents, children and staff, governors decided to open up the large kitchen we have and provide food for the children and staff which will be cooked fresh and on site by trained cooks. The process for achieving this aim is detailed in the Working Party 'Demeter' meeting notes.

Our Chair of Governors, James Dempster, can be contacted through our school office if you have any questions. 

Phone: 01273 592163
